EP 195: "TREMORS" (1990) - Look Out Below! Pt. 1

Watch your step this week, as we're talking TREMORS (1990)!

An early star vehicle for KEVIN BACON, with support from FRED WARD, MICHAEL GROSS, REBA McENTIRE, and VICTOR WONG, this flick is a creature feature of massive proportions! Giant underground worms of indeterminate origin plague a desert town, and it's all practical effects in this beloved monster movie!

You oughta "LOOK OUT BELOW!" in Part 1 of our underground double-feature!

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Host: Nate Wyckoff

Panelist: Tad Mastroianni & Jeffrey Tucker

More on TREMORS (1990):

In the small town of Perfection, Nevada, the 1990 film "Tremors" unfolds a thrilling tale of survival against underground creatures known as Graboids. Val and Earl, played by Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward, are handymen dreaming of a better life elsewhere. However, their plans take a drastic turn when they discover a series of mysterious deaths attributed to subterranean monsters that hunt by sensing vibrations. As the townspeople find themselves besieged by the relentless creatures, Val and Earl must rally the community to outsmart the intelligent and deadly Graboids.

Directed by Ron Underwood, "Tremors" blends elements of horror, comedy, and action to create a unique and engaging cinematic experience. The film features a clever script filled with witty dialogue and memorable one-liners that add levity to the tense atmosphere of impending danger. With practical effects that hold up even by today's standards, "Tremors" showcases the terrifying presence of the underground monsters while maintaining a sense of campiness characteristic of classic creature features.

As Val, Earl, and the townsfolk devise creative ways to outwit the formidable Graboids, "Tremors" underscores themes of teamwork, resourcefulness, and resilience in the face of insurmountable odds. The film's success lies not only in its ability to deliver heart-pounding suspense and clever humor but also in its portrayal of ordinary individuals rising to become unlikely heroes. With its enduring popularity and cult following, "Tremors" has secured its place as a beloved classic in the realm of creature features, offering audiences a thrilling and entertaining cinematic ride.

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